what is different flange band leakage guards and flange band protection

what is different flange band leakage guards and flange band protection

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1.flange band protectors

flange band protectors have injection fitting,and Safety relief valve,


band tightly:worm gear clamp

only uesed for anti corrosion flange injoint

Flange Protector Bands - Flange Studs Protector,Flange Nuts Caps,Flange Bolts Protectors (nutcaps.net)

2. flange band leakage guards

flange leakage guards 


band tightly:Bolt and nut 

with drain system

most used flange leakage protection 

Band type flange cover - Sealing and leakage drainage system for flange leakage and sprayout (leakcover.com)



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